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    • 费比斯博士归来[电影解说]第01集
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      The moon rises at a predestined angle and awakens the sleeping Dr. Phibes in 1928, three years after the events of the previous movie. To his dismay, he finds that his house has been demolished and his papyrus scrolls stolen, the scrolls he needs to find the Pharaoh's Tomb in Egypt, where the River of Life flows. After identifying the source of the papyrus theft, he packs and leaves for Egypt with his assistant Vulnavia - whose face displays no effects from the acid shower she received at the end of the previous film (although the character is now played by a different actress, Valli Kemp). His primary goal is the awakening of his dead wife, Victoria.  The thieves of Phibes' scrolls suffer an attrition problem as Inspectors Trout and Waverly chase Phibes across the world. The party is led by Beiderbeck (Robert Quarry, best known for playing Count Yorga). Although he looks young, he is several hundred years old and wants to find the River of Life in order to stay alive and be with his lover Diana (Fiona Lewis) forever. This time Phibes' murders all have an Egyptian theme to them; for example, one character is sand-blasted to death. Other deaths include someone being stung to death by scorpions, being eaten by an eagle (in the original script impaled by a gold eagle in the same way a doctor in The Abominable Dr. Phibes was impaled by a golden unicorn), and a golden snake piercing someone's skull.  At the climax, Beiderbeck sacrifices his life in order to save Diana. The film ends with Phibes riding a raft down the River of Life with Victoria, while singing "Over the Rainbow" (which is strange, as this film is set in 1928 but "Over The Rainbow" wasn't written until 1938). It is left ambiguous whether Victoria is resurrected or not, although a picture inside the DVD shows her in the raft with her eyes open and smiling at the camera


    • 8.0已完结好朋友1954[电影解说]大陆电影
    • 2.0已完结美国之窗[电影解说]于飞,石挥,林榛,陈述,宏霞,宋家祺,田振东,石灵,俞仲英
    • 2.0已完结不死劫[电影解说]布鲁斯·威利斯,塞缪尔·杰克逊,罗宾·怀特,斯宾塞·崔特·克拉克,查莱宁·伍德拉德,伊默恩·沃克,莱斯利·史蒂芬森,Elizabeth,Lawrence,劳拉·里根,蔡斯·凯利,迈克尔·凯利,法尔德斯·巴姆,詹姆斯·汉迪,理查德·肯索尔,达米安·杨,M·奈特·沙马兰,Sasha,Neulinger,尤基·华盛顿,Todd,Berry,茱莉娅·约克斯,约翰·帕特里克·阿梅多利,安东尼博斯克,Chrismandu,詹妮弗·黑尔,娜塔莉·霍尔特曼,Greg,Korin,布莱斯·列侬,John,Martineau
    • 4.0已完结谁都知道我爱你[电影解说]宋茜,许魏洲,陈鹤一,高睿菲儿,龚婉怡,高一仁,郭烁杰,任彬
    • 7.0已完结铁胆火车侠[电影解说]嶋崎はるか,卷口久美子,藤原あかり,成田剑,铃木胜美,横田荣治,加濑田进,原泽胜广,盐屋翼,红井ユキヒデ,北原冬子,鹤冈聪,松尾贵司,一条和矢,松浦有希子,寺田はるひ
    • 3.0已完结某个男人[电影解说]妻夫木聪,安藤樱,洼田正孝,清野菜名,真岛秀和,小籔千丰,仲野太贺,真木阳子,柄本明,山口美也子,古关安广,加藤信介,河合优实,绪方义博

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