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      On a hot summer afternoon in New York, Emma Jones gossips with other neighbors in her residential building about the affair that Mrs. Anna Maurrant and the milkman Steve Sankey are having. When the rude and unfriendly Mr. Frank Maurrant arrives, they change the subject. Meanwhile, their teenage daughter Rose Maurrant is being sexually pressured by her married boss Mr. Bert Easter. She does however very much like her kind young Jewish neighbor Sam, who has a serious crush on her.  The next morning, Frank Maurrant tells his wife that he is traveling to Stamford on business. Mrs. Maurrant meets the gentle Sankey in her apartment, but out of the blue Frank comes back home. He realizes his wife is upstairs with Sankey, and runs upstairs. We hear shots and see the two men struggling as Sankey tries to escape through the window. Maurrant runs out with a gun. He has killed Sankey and fatally wounded his wife.  Maurrant is apprehended and is led away by police. He apologizes to his daughter Rose, who will now have to take care of herself and her young brother without either parent. Rose's boss offers once again to set her up in her own apartment, but she refuses. Then she sees Sam, and tells him she wants to leave the city. Sam pleads with her to let him go with her, but she tells him it will be better for the two of them to have a couple of years apart before they consider becoming a couple. Rose walks off down the street by herself.


    • 5.0HD中字昨日重现伊夫林·布洛初,艾瑞克·艾伯纳尼,约翰·雷森,Véronique,Seghers
    • 6.0HD长大了的青梅竹马井上瑞稀,久间田琳加,萩原利久,浅川梨奈,冈本夏美,菊池亚希子,宍户美和公,村上健志,横泽夏子,アンミカ,松金米子
    • 1.0HD中字THE MYSTERY DAY~追踪名人连续事件之谜~中山裕介,川荣李奈,町田启太,松本真理香,迫田孝也,宫世琉弥,佐藤宽太,铃之助,片冈礼子,笠原秀幸,阿部亮平,阪田雅信,峰村理惠,木村多江,中条彩未,高岛政伸,笑福亭鹤瓶,小栗旬
    • 2.0HD五月碧云天艾岷·锡兰,穆扎菲·奥德默,法特玛·锡兰,穆罕默德·埃明·托普拉克,Muhammad,Zimbaoglu,Sadik,Incesu
    • 5.0更新HD复仇名册Richard,
    • 8.0HD完全陌生2016艾琳·达克,蕾切尔·薇兹,韩塞尔·谭,法蒂,扎克·艾普曼,迈克尔·珊农,迈克尔·切鲁斯,阿兹塔·加尼扎达,奥玛尔·梅特瓦利,弗兰克·德·胡里奥,康多拉·拉沙德,克里斯·劳威尔,泰莎·阿尔伯特森,凯利·奥科,凯西·贝茨,丹尼·格洛弗

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