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    Hidden Kingdoms is an innovative new series from the BBC's Natural History Unit. For the first time it takes the viewer into a unique and unexplored miniature world, immersing you into the action-packed lives of the planet's 求爱aller animals.Based in six of the planet’s most iconic landscapes: the open plains of Africa’s savannah, Arizona’s desert, the forests of Borneo, the woodlands of North America and the urban jungles of Rio and Tokyo. We’ll experience and see these habitats from a new visual perspective, pushing between blades of grass will feel like journeying deep into the densest jungle, while running from a hunting lizard will feel like a visit to Jurassic Park.This is a different approach to a traditional wildlife series. Based entirely on biologically accurate behaviour, it employs a unique range of filming techniques and constructed storytelling to recreate these animals' own distinctive perspectives and to illustrate the dynami求爱 of their lives.Journey behind the scenes with Hidden Kingdoms to explore some of the techniques used to create this unique viewpoint, and why they were so important when revealing behaviour never before filmed.


    • 5.0HD中字昨日重现伊夫林·布洛初,艾瑞克·艾伯纳尼,约翰·雷森,Véronique,Seghers
    • 6.0HD长大了的青梅竹马井上瑞稀,久间田琳加,萩原利久,浅川梨奈,冈本夏美,菊池亚希子,宍户美和公,村上健志,横泽夏子,アンミカ,松金米子
    • 1.0HD中字THE MYSTERY DAY~追踪名人连续事件之谜~中山裕介,川荣李奈,町田启太,松本真理香,迫田孝也,宫世琉弥,佐藤宽太,铃之助,片冈礼子,笠原秀幸,阿部亮平,阪田雅信,峰村理惠,木村多江,中条彩未,高岛政伸,笑福亭鹤瓶,小栗旬
    • 2.0HD五月碧云天艾岷·锡兰,穆扎菲·奥德默,法特玛·锡兰,穆罕默德·埃明·托普拉克,Muhammad,Zimbaoglu,Sadik,Incesu
    • 6.0HD哭泣的拳头崔岷植,柳昇范,林元熙,黄春河,白贤宇,丁正勋,具本雄,金基天,朴振国,奇周峯,千虎珍,安吉江,罗文姬,郑仁基,金秉玉,徐惠琳,吴达洙,边希峰
    • 5.0更新HD复仇名册Richard,

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